Monday, November 13, 2006

Homework # 8

The social website i am using for homework # 8 is facebook, because it is the website that i most frequently visit. Facebook enables users to keep in touch with friends and network with acquaintances by allowing users to post pictures, videos, comments, personal information such as a users favorite music, movies, and other interests. The website also allows the user to set specific privacy controls to protect certain information to be seen to specific audiences. Facilitating facebook's clean and organized structure, the site allows users to collapse and expand certain parts of the website that the user wishes to view or hide making the information easily accessible and not overwhelming. Myspace is a competing website with facebook. Myspace is in a way superior to facebook in that it allows users to completely change the appearance of the layout, giving users almost complete control of the way the site is presented. A large downside of this is that the in many situations, myspace profiles are unorganized and hard to find and read information.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Thanks Garret!

I would like to thank Garret for linking my blog from his computer in the cave of the Urdish Woods. Sorry it took me such a long time to do it, but its up. Check out Garrets blog by clicking on the link on the sidebar to the right ---->

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Google Analytics

I implemented Google Analytics into my blog but no one really comes to it besides the graders (most probably). Check out my stats...

Date RangeVisitsPageviews
10/4 - 10/1045

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

They Rule (HW 4)

The two companies i chose for the "They Rule" assignment were Sprint and Washington Mutual. Since my blog hasnt taken shape yet and it basically consists of my random thoughts i thought that maybe Sprint may be posted here and there since i have a sprint cell phone and sometimes i get frustrated with the service. I chose Washington Mutual because i will be interning for them over the summer so as i get more excited for that i will probably write about that. I noticed that the paths connecting Sprint and Washington Mutual was pretty long, 8 degrees apart, where as everyone should be within 6 degrees if the theory is true.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

HW3 Part 2 - Bookmarks

For the second part of HW3 we had to select two links we found interesting from our social bookmarks list and add them to what is basically our favorite bookmarks. The two that i choose were Google Finance and Aaron Karo's Ruminations. Google Finance is a great site for School of Management students because it is an efficient way to keep up with the stock market and other aspects of the business world. I also choose Aaron Karo's Ruminations because it is probably one of the most interesting and funny things i have ever read in my life. Aaron Karo just writes about randoms things in his life or about life in general that he finds peculiar. You can visit these sites from the links below...

Oh yea...Check out some graphics ive created for my music group (click the graphic below)

HW3: Creative Commons

So for Homework 3, post #1, we have to choose a license from that gives us some protection and disgression over what material people can use and recycle from our blogs. I choose "Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5" which enables people to freely copy, distribute, display, and perform my work commerically or non-commercially as long as i am given full credit for the material.

I choose this license because if i ever post something of substance - and someone wants to use it - i would like credit for it. My full license can be viewed at

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It was a relaxing day

Today was a relaxing day i guess. Only two classes and i took a good 3 hour nap. Now i have to eat dinner sometime soon and start studying for my accounting exam tomorrow. As far as my blog goes, it still hasnt gone in any specific direction interms of its theme so when an idea comes to me ill make a post. In the mean time check out theses sites i go to every now and then...

Deviant Art
^a really cool site to check out artwork of almost any type

File Hippo
^very clean and organized site where you can download useful computer tools

Monday, September 11, 2006

My Fist Blog/Post

My name is Rahul Amin and I'm creating this blog for my computer science class (CS103) at Boston University. I've never done anything like this interms of having a journal online, but i do have a lot of experience with web page and graphic design. I made my first website in the 4th grade and learned how to edit html back then. Throughout high school i ran my own web page design bussiness and was interviewed in the detroit free press, which is a pretty big news paper in michigan. I like to think that im decent in Macromedia (I guess now Adobe) Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, and Adobe Photoshop. So I guess this is all for now.

^Check out my music^