Monday, November 13, 2006

Homework # 8

The social website i am using for homework # 8 is facebook, because it is the website that i most frequently visit. Facebook enables users to keep in touch with friends and network with acquaintances by allowing users to post pictures, videos, comments, personal information such as a users favorite music, movies, and other interests. The website also allows the user to set specific privacy controls to protect certain information to be seen to specific audiences. Facilitating facebook's clean and organized structure, the site allows users to collapse and expand certain parts of the website that the user wishes to view or hide making the information easily accessible and not overwhelming. Myspace is a competing website with facebook. Myspace is in a way superior to facebook in that it allows users to completely change the appearance of the layout, giving users almost complete control of the way the site is presented. A large downside of this is that the in many situations, myspace profiles are unorganized and hard to find and read information.

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